Monday, January 21, 2013

Movie Recommendations (Action)

Lately I've been watching more movies than I should and I felt the need to share some of my thoughts on several of them.

When looking at movie options first thing I do is watch the trailer and read comments, if it's above 3 to 3 1/2 stars (out of 5) I give it a chance.

Sometimes I'm happy with my movie choice, but other times I'm disappointed and feel like I wasted my time and money.

So for my blog I'll be posting my top 5 choices for different categories, along with a trailer and why it is up there on my top 5.

These movies are from end of 2012 to 2013.

#1 - Safe

Truth is if you like action films where there's more kicking and punching than bullets flying, then this is a great choice. Jason Statham is one of the best action movie actors of recent years and if you've seen his work in the Transporter trilogy and crank well you won't be disappointed. Good movie choice full of action.

#2 - Total Recall
A remake of the 1990's movie of the same name. It's pretty much the same concept, but the action takes place on Earth instead of Mars. Colin Farrell plays the same roles as Arnold Schwarzenegger did, but with better special effects and this time every is human. Very nice special effects, futuristic and a good option to kill some time.

#3 - The Cold Light Of Day
Seems like leaving the country is a dangerous thing nowadays, remember Taken? Well this is another Action/Thriller kind of movie staring Henry Cavill (Immortals and soon to be Superman). Family goes on vacation and gets kidnapped, so he tries to get them back while being chased by US agents and Spain police.

#4 - Stolen
Nicolas Cage finally picks up a good script and does a great job on this movie. It seems like kidnapping people is becoming a trend in hollywood, specially after Taken became a great hit, the first one not part 2. This one takes place in New Orleans, and Nicolas Cage has to deal with local enforcement and a psycho kidnapper that all he wants is his $10 million dollars.

#5 - Red Dawn
Another remake with improved special effects and minor changes. In this movie the US gets invaded specifically Colorado, and it's up to the locals to regain control of the city. A group of young guys, called the Wolverines, realize that they are on their own and decide to gear up and retaliate. If you liked the original version with Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen, then this is a must see.

I know must of you won't agree with my choices, but I'm just throwing my 2 cents out there. Some, if not most of these movies, might not be in line for an Oscar nomination, but will surely keep you entertained for 1+ hour.

Also, I wanted to include only version 1 movies, meaning that I know Batman - The Dark Knight Rises, Jason Bourne Legacy, The Avengers, Taken 2, and some others could've easily made this list, but it would be best if you watched the pre-quels.

With that said, let me know what you think, if you agree, if you don't and which other movies would you recommend in this category.

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