Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Music Reminders

The other day I heard a song on the radio and as soon as it came on it reminded me of something, a video game.

I haven't really paid much attention to the music on the video game, FIFA 2013, but when the song came on, I knew it was from the game. The next thing I did was to look up the soundtrack of FIFA 2013 and saw that the name of the band was IMAGINE DRAGONS, and the song's title was "On top of the world".

I didn't realize how famous this band, Imagine Dragons, is and that they have sold out pretty much every concert, including the one in Houston next week.

I decided to download their album and the songs are actually good, made me want to go the concert next Tuesday.

Doing more research I came across another classic song also from FIFA, but this time 1998. The name of the song is "song 2" and it's by british band "Blur"

Are there any songs that when you hear them they remind you of something?


  1. Imagine Dragons is great, all of their songs are different but so good. Radioactive is one of my favorites.
    But songs that remind me of FIFA are definitely Shakira's Waka Waka and K'naan's Wavin' Flag!

    1. They are really good and they play in Houston on Tuesday and I'm going. And the other two songs you are right if they come on you know they're from the World Cup for sure. Btw saw your country play yesterday, pretty close game.

  2. Funny you should mention Blur. I somewhat mentioned them in my post. lol
